Friday, February 14, 2025

February 8, 2025 Angora Showing at Gridley

California Rabbit and Cavy Shows sponsors triple open shows at Gridley, CA on Saturday, February 8, 2025.

First Show English and Satin Angora judge: Carol Green, CA

English Angora 12 shown

CSD Betty Chu, BOV, BOB, BIS

Satin Angora 7 shown 

WJB Casey Jones, BOSV
WSD Casey Jones, BOV, BOB
CSB Casey Jones, BOSV, BOSB
CSD Casey Jones, BOV
CJD Casey Jones

French Angora judge: Misty Polisak, CA

French Angora 9 shown

WSB Carol Green, BOSV
WSD Carolyn Silvas, BOV
CSB Carol Green, BOSV, BOSB
CSD Carol Green, BOV, BOB

Best In Show judge: Lauralee Erbe, CA
Best In Show rabbit: Betty's English Angora colored senior doe Chu's Aurelia.


Second Show judge: Stephany Brundage, CA

English Angora 12 shown

CSD Betty Chu, BOV, BOB, BIS

French Angora 9 shown

WSB Carol Green, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Carolyn Silvas, BOV
CSB Carolyn Silvas, BOSV
CSD Carol Green, BOV, BOB

Satin Angora 7 shown 

WJB Casey Jones, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Casey Jones, BOV, BOB
CSB Casey Jones, BOSV
CSD Casey Jones, BOV
CJD Casey Jones

Best In Show judge: Steve Hulthom, Alberta, Canada
Best In Show rabbit: Betty's English Angora colored senior doe Chu's Aurelia.


Third Show judge: Lauralee Erbe, CA

English Angora 12 shown

CSD Betty Chu, BOV, BOB, BIS

French Angora 9 shown

WSB Carol Green, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Carolyn Silvas, BOV
CSB Carolyn Silvas, BOSV
CSD Carol Green, BOV, BOB

Satin Angora 7 shown 

WJB Casey Jones, BOSV
WSD Casey Jones, BOV, BOB
CSB Casey Jones, BOSV, BOSB
CSD Casey Jones, BOV
CJD Casey Jones

Best In Show judge: Stephany Brundage, CA
Best In Show rabbit: Betty's English Angora colored senior doe Chu's Aurelia.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

February 1, 2025 Angora Showing at Merced

Big Valley Rabbit Association puts on triple all breed shows on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at Merced, CA.

Show A judge: Melissa Magee, CA

English Angora 12 Shown

CSD Betty Chu, BOV, BOB, BIS

French Angora 7 shown 

WSB Carol Green, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Carolyn Silvas, BOV
CSB Carol Green, BOSV
CSD Carol Green, BOV, BOB
CJD Carol Green

Giant Angora 1 shown

Chestnut Buck Stephanie Berry, BOB

Satin Angora 7 shown

WJB Casey Jones, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Casey Jones, BOV
CJB Casey Jones, BOSV
CSD Casey Jones, BOV, BOB 
CJD Casey Jones

Show A Best In Show judge: Doug King, CA
Best In Show rabbit: Betty's English Angora colored senior doe Chu's Aurelia.


Show B judge: Joe Lugo, CA

English Angora 12 Shown

CSD Betty Chu, BOV, BOB, BIS

French Angora 7 shown 

WSB Carol Green, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Carolyn Silvas, BOV, BOB
CSB Carol Green, BOSV
CSD Carol Green, BOV 
CJD Carol Green

Giant Angora 1 shown

Chestnut Buck Stephanie Berry, BOB

Satin Angora 7 shown

WJB Casey Jones, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Casey Jones, BOV, BOB
CJB Casey Jones, BOSV
CSD Casey Jones, BOV
CJD Casey Jones

Show B Best In Show judge: Armando Cabrera, CA
Best In Show rabbit: Betty's English Angora colored senior doe Chu's Aurelia


Show C judge: Stephany Brundage, CA

English Angora 12 shown

CSD Betty Chu, BOV, BOB, BIS

French Angora 7 shown 

WSB Carol Green, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Carolyn Silvas, BOV
CSB Carol Green, BOSV
CSD Carol Green, BOV, BOB
CJD Carol Green

Giant Angora 1 shown

Chestnut Buck Stephanie Berry, BOB

Satin Angora 7 shown

WJB Casey Jones, BOSV, BOSB
WSD Casey Jones, BOV, BOB
CJB Casey Jones, BOSV
CSD Casey Jones, BOV
CJD Casey Jones

Show C Best In Show judge: Stephany Brundage
Best In Show rabbit: Betty's English Angora colored senior doe Chu's Aurelia.